My new toy
Well, I committed the cardinal sin of the Christmas season. I shopped for myself. I bought a new computer! It's a nice desktop upgrade. And for you Mac believers, I strongly weighed my options, but being an online gamer, a PC is really the only way to go at the present moment. Here are four pictures, the first being the before picture.
I've been marveling at the upgrade from less than 20 GB of hard drive space compared to the 120 that I have now, as well as the 2 GB of ram I have compared to the 512MB I used to have. Along with a 256 MB Video Card, up from 128. I can't wait to get this thing fired up to race. Oh yeah, dual core processor!
As for the old one, it has treated me well. Bought it with the ex-Mrs. before we were married and its ran very well, with the exception of all the spyware she put on it over the years. Nothing a reformat didn't fix. That said, I hear that my twin and his wife are having computer problems, so (as I've already told them) my Christmas present to them will be the old computer. Just have to find a way to get it to them in one piece. And never fear Mac loyalists, perhaps when I need that laptop for law school, I'll take a bite out of that Apple.
I've been marveling at the upgrade from less than 20 GB of hard drive space compared to the 120 that I have now, as well as the 2 GB of ram I have compared to the 512MB I used to have. Along with a 256 MB Video Card, up from 128. I can't wait to get this thing fired up to race. Oh yeah, dual core processor!
As for the old one, it has treated me well. Bought it with the ex-Mrs. before we were married and its ran very well, with the exception of all the spyware she put on it over the years. Nothing a reformat didn't fix. That said, I hear that my twin and his wife are having computer problems, so (as I've already told them) my Christmas present to them will be the old computer. Just have to find a way to get it to them in one piece. And never fear Mac loyalists, perhaps when I need that laptop for law school, I'll take a bite out of that Apple.
Woo-hoo! Thanks, bro!
If you game, then getting a Mac is pretty much paying extra for less.
I wonder if Civ 4 will run on the pc you're sending us...
It ought to. You've got the specs of the machine on there, so you can see what there is to offer.
Okay....for you all that don't live here anymore....that first picture is the CLEANEST I've seen that area in a LONG, LONG time!
He thought I'd 'freak' when I saw it---disappointed him, I think, but as long as he can pay for it, go for it & enjoy! - trublutxn
Were you able to get all your files off the old computer before sending it to Andrew and Marianne? wink wink...nudge nudge.
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